JPEF: You must have many days of personal reflection and remembrance. How is Yom HaShoah v’HaGevurah different?
Schulman: This is the day when most people remember the Shoah. For me, it is not that different than any other day because I think about it all the time. Every day is Yom HaShoah.
JPEF: What lessons would you like to share with young people today?
Schulman: That there was a resistance and Jews did not go like lambs to the slaughter. Jews resisted—they fought back!
JPEF: What do you think is important about Yom HaShoah v’HaGevurah?
Schulman: I think it is important for future generations, not those of past generations who remember it quite clearly. As I said already, for me one day is not any different than the other—it is my responsibility to remember it and speak about what happened every day.
To learn more about Faye and the photography exhibit, please visit
Faye Schulman's biography and Pictures of Resistance
Photo source: A Partisan's Memoir, Second Story Press, p. 139
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