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Friday, January 21, 2011

JPEF Partners with United Nations Holocaust Outreach Program

The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme, whose mandate is to educate the public about genocide, is collaborating with JPEF on its International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27th. 

In New York City, a screening of the documentary film Daring to Resist, which profiles three young Jewish women during the Holocaust--including Faye Schulman Jewish partisan photographer--who found unexpected ways to fight back against the Germans, will be part of a week long observance commemorating the memory of the victims of the Holocaust organized by the U.N. The screening will be followed by a discussion with author Frank Blaichman, former Jewish partisan commander and Bonnie Gurewitsch, Archivist/Curator, Museum of Jewish Hertitage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust.

The U.N. is promoting JPEF's study guide "Women in the Partisans" to coincide with the film to 30 U.N. centers around the world including Kenya, India and Georgia. To access these resources, see below.

"Learning about the Jewish partisans is a vital element of Holocaust education. Resistance is a perfect example of what the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called in 2010, 'a triumph of the human spirit [and a] living testimony that tyranny, though it may rise, will surely not prevail.'" --Melanie Prud'home from the Holocaust and the U.N. Outreach Programme.

There are a limited number of tickets available:
Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Contact and Registration:


JPEF's "Pictures of Resistance" Tours South Africa

U.N. Holocaust Memorial Day Flyer
JPEF's traveling photography exhibit, "Pictures of Resistance: The Wartime Photographs of Jewish Partisan Faye Schulman", is in Cape Town at the Cape Town Holocaust Center through February 3rd. The exhibit will travel to Johannesburg and Durban over the next two months. JPEF's executive director, Mitch Braff, will accompany the exhibit, conducting teacher trainings and speaking at public events, including the U.N. Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration ceremony in Cape Town on January 26th and in Durban on January 30th.

South Africa has a nationally-mandated Holocaust education unit for 9th and 11th grade students. JPEF materials will soon be a valuable addition to these educators' curricula.

Check our blog in the upcoming weeks for more stories, photos and videos from Mitch's trip to South Africa.


Women in the Partisans Resources

See Faye Schulman tell the stories behind her pictures, as well as photos from her exhibit, and a printable biography at

More free JPEF resources on women who fought back include:

Jewish Women in the Partisans resource page: films, study guides and women partisan profiles and more at

Short Films: "Everyday the Impossible: Jewish Women in the Partisans" and "A Partisan Returns: the Legacy of Two Sisters" at

Study Guides and Poster: "Women in the Partisans," Gertrude Boyarski, Sonia Orbuch and downloadable Eta Wrobel "RESIST" poster at

 Tu B'Shevat (Jewish Arbor Day / New Year for Trees):
The partisans depended on the forests to evade from and combat their enemies, as well as endure the brutal winters. JPEF's "Living and Surviving" study guide and short film make great additions to your Tu B'Shevat activities this week.


JPEF Exhibit and Training at the University of Washington Hillel

On January 14, accompanied by filmmaker Sharon Rennert -- Tuvia Bielski's granddaughter-- JPEF staff, provided the keynote address for the opening reception of Pictures of Resistance at the University of Washington Hillel. The following day, in conjunction with the exhibit, JPEF led a "Women in the Partisans" teacher training for dozens of area educators.
Pictures of Resistance at University of Washington Hillel, January 14, 2011.

A teacher reflected that "one of the strongest themes that flows through my curriculum is the power of the human spirit. I connect this to all historical events studied in my 8th grade class. 'Women in the Partisans' will be a perfect addition to my Holocaust unit."

To bring the Women in the Partisans and other JPEF workshops to your community, please contact
